Getting Started

Here are the basics

To install the Clock for Google Chrome™ extension, visit the Chrome Web Store.

To install the Clock for Microsoft Edge™ extension, visit the Edge Add-ons page.

The clock appears in the toolbar, right next to the address bar - that's it! You're up and running and need do nothing more!

If you hover your cursor over the clock, the full date and time are shown.

If you click the clock, a larger clock, the current date, a browseable calendar and details of all the reminders you have set are shown.

Pop Up

Click the larger clock to launch a big clock, and click that for an immersive, full screen experience.

Access the settings page via the icon at the bottom right of the pop up to make Clock your own.

If you are signed in to your browser, all of your settings are securely synchronised and replicated to any computer that you use.

This is really useful for say, setting a reminder up at home, and having it remind you at work.

All aspects of Clock are customisable. To find out more, browse around and have a go!


Analogue, digital or both - the choice is yours
Analogue Clock

To modify the way Clock looks, open the options page and click "Appearance". The first checkbox shows and hides the analogue clock.

The dots radio buttons control whether the clock has no tick marks:

No Ticks

Four tick marks:

Four Ticks

Or twelve tick marks:

Twelve Ticks


The clock has two built-in default colours. Typically, Dark Hands looks best on pale themes and Pale Hands looks best on dark themes.

But you can choose any colour and transparency you like from the "Custom Colour Hands" option

The colour that you select here will be used to theme the pop-up window and the clock that appears on reminders.

If you choose a pale colour, the background of the popup window will automatically darken so you can see the hands.

Digital Clock

When the Digital Clock and the Analogue Clock are both selected, clock will look like this:

Both Clocks

If you prefer a digital-only experience, it will look like this:

Digital Only

If the digital only clock is selected, a new colour picker will appear. You can use this to set the colour and transparency of the digital text.

NB: Setting the Digital Clock transparency to full will show a pale grey box.

These options are synchronised to all the computers that you use Clock for Google Chrome on.


Make the date and the calendar look like you want it to
Date Format

You can change the way that the date is shown to suit your own preference.

Open the options page and click "Format". Four built in time and date options are provided to suit your taste. This format is used in the hover text, the pop-up window and reminders.

You may wish to use a custom format of your choice. To do this, simply choose the "Custom Format" option and use the following codes:

't' - The time in 12h format (e.g. 2:34)

'T' - The time in 24h format (e.g. 14:34)

'a' - 'am' or 'pm'

'A' - 'AM' or 'PM'

'l' or 'D' - The full day (e.g. Tuesday)

'j' or 'd' - The day of the month (e.g. 28)

'e' - The day of the month with a leading zero if less than 10 (e.g. 08)

'S' - 'st', 'nd', 'rd', or 'th'

's' - '/'

'M' - The full month (e.g. July)

'n' or 'm' - The month number with a leading zero (e.g. 07)

'y' - Two digit year (e.g. 13)

'Y' - Four digit year (e.g. 2013)

'g' - Hour number, no leading zero, 12h format (e.g. 3)

'G' - Hour number, no leading zero, 24h format (e.g. 15)

'h' - Hour number, leading zero, 12h format (e.g. 03)

'H' - Hour number, leading zero, 24h format (e.g. 03)

'i' - Minute number, leading zero (e.g. 09)

'x' - Second number, leading zero (e.g. 05)

'\' - Display the next character literally (e.g. '\T' displays 'T')

All other characters are shown verbatim.

For example, "l eS M Y" would be "Tuesday 25th December 2018"

First Day of the Week

By default, the first day of the week is Sunday, so calendars are shown like this:

Sunday First

If you prefer the first day of the week to be Monday (or any other day if you want!), then choose the correct day here to get calendars shown like this:

Monday First

Or this(!):

Wednesday First (why anybody would want to do this beyond me, but hey...)
Time Offset

Normally, you will want the clock to keep time with your location (which is taken from your system time). However, you may wish to use clock in a different timezone. The Time Offset option sets the clock forwards or backwards by the specified amount in half hour increments. The clock is updated automatically as you change this setting and you can choose any offset up to twelve hours forwards or backwards of the system time.

Along with all other settings, these options are synchronised to all the computers that you use Clock for Google Chrome on.


Synchronised alarms across all your computers

Reminders are one of the most powerful organisational features of Clock for Google Chrome™. To create a new reminder, follow these steps:

When the time for the reminder arrives, the selected sound is played and a notification bubble is shown. By clicking 'Close' on the bubble, the reminder is dismissed and the sound stops. If you click 'Snooze', the sound stops and the reminder is rescheduled for five minutes after the original time.


If you can hear the sound, but can't see the reminder, see if Chrome has minimised the notifications to your System Tray.

Remember, all the reminders you set are automatically synchronised to all the computers that you use Chrome on.

Hour Chime

For the extension to sound a tone every hour, click the "Hour Chime" clock. Use the volume slider to control how loud the hour chime should be.

Click it once for a chime every hour on the hour:

Hour chime

Click it again for a chime every hour on the hour and the half hour:

Two chimes

Click it again for a chime every quarter:

Four chimes

Click it again to turn the chimes off:

No chimes


If your question isn't here, visit the Chrome Web Store or Edge Add-ons